Stop by and enjoy the treasures available in our Country Store.  We currently have 20 tables of all shapes and sizes, mostly solid wood, for sale!

Our Story

                  Glisson’s Country Store opened shortly after we moved our family of 17 to DeRuyter Lake.  It’s goals were simple.  First, as our clan is rather unique (15 adopted children plus Mom and Pop) we wanted to introduce our entire family to the locals and share our passion for kids trapped in foster care.  And we also wanted our kids to grow up industrious!

                  It worked!  As time went by we not only became friends with our neighbors, but also found out that the entire area was eager to support a local country store that provided affordable options for furniture, home décor, clothing, and an eclectic assortment of odds and ends!

                  Five years later, we couldn’t be happier.  Glisson’s Country Store attracts a wonderful mix of; familiar faces who stop by hoping an item “is still here”, new customers who hear about us from a satisfied friend, or simply neighbors who come needing one of the kids to mow a lawn, clean a cottage, bale hay, or one other of the many small jobs folks need doing.

                  So, if you’ve been to Glisson’s Country Store, we hope you’ll come back, bring friends and see us again soon!  If we’ve never had the pleasure of serving you, please consider taking a beautiful ride to Madison County’s “best kept secret”, where we may not have what you’re looking for, but we often have what you never thought you’d find!!